Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Holy Smokes!

So I was a little skeptical about a 30 minute workout....I was proven WRONG!!!!! This workout was amazing and I was dripping in sweat! It is a MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) based circuit and it is amazing! If you have a 30 Minute Hit near you, give it a try! I was so happy that I liked it, it takes about 45 minutes with stretching and I felt amazing after and slept great last night!

My eating was okay yesterday, I ended up having a quick dinner of Kraft dinner. I used 4 of my weekly points and none of my activity points. Grace seems to be needing less milk so I have cut back 1 point. I have a much healthier dinner planned for today (fresh cut veggies and chicken pot pie) and a light activity day today. I am not going to my Stroller class because Grace hates the indoor classes, she kinda blocks them off and she just sit and yells for me....I don't feel I get anything out of it except a ticked off Grace. We are going to go and walk the mall and look for some new runners. I need to find something that will be good for the gym and walking/running outdoors.

Wish me luck!


  1. That sounds like a great workout! I am looking forward to Spring, then I can get outside with my little guy for walks. Our Mall is too far away :(

  2. sounds like a fantastic work out! way to go1!!
    my lil guy is bored indoors too! all about being outside!

  3. Sounds like an awesome quick workout!! Good luck finding the new runners, I'll be hunting for some soon!

  4. Sounds like you got a great work-out in a short amount of time!! I'll need to look into that!
