Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Scale

As I mentioned a couple of days ago I have put the scale away. It has been a little strange but also really nice. My mood is not decided by the number on the scale and neither is my work ethic. I am not eating something because the scale said something good and I am not beating myself up because the scale said something not so good.  We had some last minute dinner guests (my brother, his fiance and her sister) and I ate well and even had a nice piece of dessert! I got some good activity in yesterday and have good plans for today too. I am hoping the snow that is expected will hold off until  can walk to my inlaws this afternoon. It is such a nice walk and I just love the time outside.

My sister in law to be stayed when my brother and her sister went to play dodgeball last night to help put Grace to bed. They are going to be babysitting for us on Saturday and it will be at bedtime. We have been trying to have other people put her to bed this week and it is not going that well. She started to scream after she was put down so I went up and calmed her and got her to sleep. After I did that my SIL (no kids) had some opinions on how she would have just tired herself out by crying and would have fallen asleep. I know before I had kids I had opinions but I didn't ever share them...I find it frustrating how she thinks she knows everything. She goes through phases where she thinks she is so much better and so much smarter than everyone else. I find when she spends alot of time at school or gets a compliment from one of her professors she gets very high on her horse. She was telling me through Groupon she got a 1 month membership to a gym, I mentioned that I miss the gym. She asked why I don't go and I said that I don't really have time. She proceeded to tell me that I could go now (between 8 and 10 at night) and that I am just making excuses.....I wanted to hit her, yes it is an excuse but if I start going to the gym when am I going to spend time with my husband? She was very inactive for a long time and was told by a friend to stop complaining about her weight and do something about it. Great advice, but now she thinks that she should spread the word to everyone....I could go to the gym after Grace goes to sleep, but I don't want to, I want to spend time with my husband. I try and do my activity during the day. I am hoping when I go back to work I will be able to find something I can do on my lunch hour and then we can walk or run as a family in the evening.

Well rant over...I really needed to get that off my chest.


  1. I use to find it very stressful to get parenting advice from other people. I felt like it was a direct attack on me, I would compare my kids to others and would just get so worked up.

    I have taught myself that my kids are not the same as others and the sooner I stop comparing them the better off I will be, instead of using the energy I would on being upset by what others say, I turn it into positive energy, and take it for what it's worth. If the advice helps I take it if not I don't give it a second thought.

    Being that your SIL doesn't have kids it's very hard for her to give you advice on how to raise your child...I totally understand where you are coming from, it can be so frustrating!

  2. sorry forgot to add, good for you for getting rid of your scale. I too don't let it rule my day.

  3. First off, you’re not alone in this frustration! I personally hate that when someone starts something new, right away they want to tell you how to do it, even if you’ve been doing it much longer and are being successful at it! i.e. kids, exercising. I agree there are times where you could pontentially go to the gym but you have to do what’s right for you! Husband and family time are more important and you simply have your priorities in order so good for you. You will be able to do a lot during lunch, that’s what I do and I leave hubby time for the night time too. I catch up a little on Saturday morning as well.
    Good job on the scale too, I need to do that! just put the damn thing away. haha

  4. Fortunately the one person in the family who was handing out advise, lived on the other side of the country!! And now she just had her first baby in December. (First of all - I thought it was hilarious because wasn't she about to get an eye-opener!!) You could tell she resented all the comments pre-baby about "sleep now while you still can! sort of thing... but sure enough... I can tell she's realizing her sleep will never be the same... her mind is not as sharp... all those things people think we make up! I would just stick to your priorities and do what you can. Maybe even suggest ways she could make life easier for you... ;)

  5. Oh, those people are the ones I want to slap! People without kids tend to think it's an all or nothing to handle a situation. Baby is crying at bed? Just let her cry, what's the big deal? When she has a child of her own, I hope she remembers those words.

    Good for you for putting the scale away.

  6. i only have one kid and ours are around the same age... you do what works for you and your little one..makes me so mad , i've received so much advice that was no asked for...

    good job on putting the scale away!

  7. so jealous of your ability to remove the scale!! Do what you can to ignor your SIL, you are doing what you have to for you!

  8. I'd say the hours between 8-10pm would be the worst hours to workout! Those are the after dinner, relaxing with family type hours! Lol People like that are so annoying! It's like you take care of youuu and I'll take care of meee.

  9. I think hiding the scale was a great move!!!

    On the SIL.. I think almost everyone without kids has advice on how to raise them (in my experience). In my experience, the ones that actually know something worth sharing won't just tell you that you're doing something wrong. I handled the unsolicited advice from non-moms by asking, "Really? How's that working out with YOUR child?" :-P

  10. I have a SIL that drives me crazy, for different reasons. Ah, family.
