Monday, February 28, 2011

Taking Action

So I was excited to go to WI on Saturday. It was very short lived when I saw a 1.8 gain. I skipped my WI the week before because I just did not want to deal with a gain, I had weighed myself at home and this is actually about a 1 pound loss from then. I am not proud of this but I didn't want to report this until I had made up my mind. What my SIL said to me last week has kind of stuck with me....I have been making excuses as to why I can't get back to the gym. I am not willing to give up more than an hour of fmaily time...regardless if it is an excuse or not. One of my girlfriends had a thing on facebook about doing her second circuit at 30 minute me thinking. This gym is right by where I work and on my husbands way home from work. I am going at 11:45 today to give it a try...fingers crossed that I like it! My mom is going to come and meet me so she can walk around with Grace. If I like it I will go Monday, Wednesday and Friday and then I will do my stroller class or a walk or run on my off days and the weekend. 

I did not let my gain run my weekend and even managed to eat quite well. The surprise engagement party went really well and we had a good time. I had to run home and put Grace to bed, she was having nothing to do with anyone else doing it. Gotta work on that before Vegas! Yesterday my SIL invited my mom and I to join her and her mom while she made her final decision on her wedding dress (the wedding is August 13), she has picked a beautiful lace dress - her face just lit up when she had it on.

Have a good Monday!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Walking Machine

That was me yesterday. We are coming into a terrible cold snap and I wanted to get out while I could. I went to visit my cousin and her son yesterday in the morning and then a walk to my inlaws in the afternoon. Today it is too cold to be venturing out with Grace for more than into the car and back. They are saying we might get snow tomorrow! I want to play with Grace in the snow now that she is more mobile!

We are going to spend the day with my mom today. We are going to look for new runners for me - my mom found a place where she thinks I could get some good advice on runners. After that I think we will head over to one of the malls so we can walk around and get a bit of activity in. I am not sure what the weekend will be like but we do have a surprise engagement party for some of our friends on Saturday night, I am looking forward to seeing some people that I haven't seen in a while and socializing without baby. Well Grace is coming for the first little bit because my brother and SIL to be are registering tomorrow so they can't be there early enough for us to make the surprise. I am a little nervous about someone else putting Grace to bed because it hasn't gone well so far. I think it'll be okay because I am working on a bottle but we are only 5 minutes away so if I need to run home and put her to bed it's no big deal.

Thank you so much for all of your comments yesterday. I can usually let it roll of my back but not that time. I am happy I didn't let it be an excuse to over eat or anything and I am actually looking forward to seeing what the scale says tomorrow. It's more exciting since I haven't been weighing myself. I am not sure that it will be great because I was "off" for about 9 days and only a couple of really good eating and activity, but it will be better than if I had stayed "off".

Happy Friday everyone!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Scale

As I mentioned a couple of days ago I have put the scale away. It has been a little strange but also really nice. My mood is not decided by the number on the scale and neither is my work ethic. I am not eating something because the scale said something good and I am not beating myself up because the scale said something not so good.  We had some last minute dinner guests (my brother, his fiance and her sister) and I ate well and even had a nice piece of dessert! I got some good activity in yesterday and have good plans for today too. I am hoping the snow that is expected will hold off until  can walk to my inlaws this afternoon. It is such a nice walk and I just love the time outside.

My sister in law to be stayed when my brother and her sister went to play dodgeball last night to help put Grace to bed. They are going to be babysitting for us on Saturday and it will be at bedtime. We have been trying to have other people put her to bed this week and it is not going that well. She started to scream after she was put down so I went up and calmed her and got her to sleep. After I did that my SIL (no kids) had some opinions on how she would have just tired herself out by crying and would have fallen asleep. I know before I had kids I had opinions but I didn't ever share them...I find it frustrating how she thinks she knows everything. She goes through phases where she thinks she is so much better and so much smarter than everyone else. I find when she spends alot of time at school or gets a compliment from one of her professors she gets very high on her horse. She was telling me through Groupon she got a 1 month membership to a gym, I mentioned that I miss the gym. She asked why I don't go and I said that I don't really have time. She proceeded to tell me that I could go now (between 8 and 10 at night) and that I am just making excuses.....I wanted to hit her, yes it is an excuse but if I start going to the gym when am I going to spend time with my husband? She was very inactive for a long time and was told by a friend to stop complaining about her weight and do something about it. Great advice, but now she thinks that she should spread the word to everyone....I could go to the gym after Grace goes to sleep, but I don't want to, I want to spend time with my husband. I try and do my activity during the day. I am hoping when I go back to work I will be able to find something I can do on my lunch hour and then we can walk or run as a family in the evening.

Well rant over...I really needed to get that off my chest.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Inspiration. Motiation

Two very important words in this process. Today I had a whole Debbie Downer post planned and then I started reading blogs and came across this post from Syl. If you are feeling down and out please read this. She is an amazing woman who just keeps going. Why can't I be like this?

I can be like Syl. I just need to do it. So today I am going to do it. I have really been struggling but that is over. I need to stop with all the excuses and just move forward. I have been avoiding setting goals because I find sometimes they seem to send me backwards....well that's done. I can not be afraid anymore, I need to embrace this process and enjoy my life and what I am doing. So here it is, my plan/goals:

  • Stick to my WW points, I will not be eating any of my activity points but I will eat my weekly if I need them
  • I will workout in some capacity every single day - no rest days, some days might just be easy mall walking but I will be moving
  • I am going to start the C25K this weekend (I need hubby to help with the IPOD)
  • I will be down 165 by Grace's first birthday April 12 (all baby weight gone!)
  • I will be 160 by the time we go to Vegas May 16
So there it is....this is what I have to do for myself, this is what I can do.

Monday, February 21, 2011


Here we are again...Monday morning. I am so jealous of the other provinces and their Family Day - we are behind here in BC! I wish I had hubby home for 1 more day. We had such a nice weekend, we got out for 2 walks on Saturday haircuts on Sunday and a nice family dinner. We got to my parents every Sunday for lunch or dinner and last night they invited my inlaws and my brother and his fiance were back from Mexico and her sister came too! It was nice to see everyone and Grace has so much fun playing with everyone!

So I made some good and some not so great choices this weekend food wise and was happy with my activity level. Today I have thing planned out (I need to get back to meal planning) what I am going to eat and the activity I will get in. I have to miss my SS class again tomorrow to take Grace into the doctor (she has a small bump on her head, kinda like a clear mole?) and the timing just won't work out so I will have to do something else tomorrow. It is going to be nice getting back to it. It is supposed to be really cold this week but it's clear so I am okay with that. No rain means we can get out for a bundled up walk.

We finally heard back from the vet and Beans has an under inflated lung and a low blood count. They don't know what this means so we have to take her back in for blood work in about 2 weeks.

I have booked a time with our photographer for Grace's first birthday portraits. I am going to do my best to not be the same size by then (April 12). My plan is to be active every day until then - here we go!

Saturday, February 19, 2011


So today I skipped my WI. I went to the meeting just didn't get on the scale. I didn't want to make it official that I had gained again....I have managed to get myself back on track just not soon enough. I am going to put my scale away and just weigh on Saturday mornings at my meeting. We talked about this in our meeting today and the leader said for her that she used to use it as a gauge as to what she could get away with eating made me realize that I am also doing this. So away the scale goes...I am going to hide it in the closet.

Last night when hubby got home from work (late again...) we bundled Grace up and walked up to Subway to pick up dinner. The route we take makes for about a 1 hour walk. The weather has been great but it has been cold! Today we are going to go for a walk and then pick up a new cell phone for hubby. We are going to head into downtown Vancouver to look through the Olympic Athletes Village. They are selling off the condos that all the athletes stayed in and I am just curious to see what they are like. They are in a beautiful area, right on the water and they are SO expensive! They want something like $470 thousand for under 600 square feet!

We bought our townhouse and renovated it fully for less than that and it's 3 floors and 1800 square feet! Pricing here is just so crazy! We want to buy a house eventually but we have some serious saving to do! Well we are just waiting for Grave to wake up from her nap so we can take off on our walk! Have a great weekend!

Friday, February 18, 2011


Thank you again for all of your support and encouragement regarding yesterdays post. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have this blog as a sounding are all amazing. As I sat reading your comments and your blogs I felt inspired, I felt like I could do this.

So yesterday I made better choices, instead of ordering in with the inlaws I made a big spinach salad and they picked up chicken and buns. The chicken ended up being higher in points than I wanted but the store had run out of roast chickens. My father inlaw picked up the "fried" version so what did I do? I picked all the gross skin off and did the best I could. I am not going to beat myself up doesn't help. Negative self talk is such a detriment to what I am trying to do. I am a smart, strong woman and there is nothing that I can't do if I put my mind to it and put the effort in....

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Spinning my wheels.....

I am very frustrated with myself....I am not eating terribly but I am not eating good and I am not moving as much as I need to be. I read your blogs every day and I am so amazed with how all of you are doing. I don't know what is wrong with me. Why can't I get a couple of good weeks in without going backwards like this.....I am just so frustrated. Hubby has been working a lot of long hours and I find that is when it is the worst....He calls to say he is going to be late and then I or some reason reach for something sweet.

We have this trip to Vegas coming up and I really don't want to be this size when we are there or anymore at all for that matter. I look in my closet and I can't find anything that makes m,e feel good, I want to put something on again and feel pretty....maybe even sexy. I know my happiness should not be linked to a number (on the scale or in a pair of pants) but right now it really seems to be....I felt so good last week losing 2.2 and I should have been able to keep that up. It's not like I eat a really restricted diet or anything, I generally eat what I want and just work it into my points. This worked really well for me when I lost my weight the first time and I don't think it is what the problem is. I seem to be very consciously eating crap with any kind of emotion. This really needs to change...obviously I don't know what I should be doing.....any suggestions?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I got my journal back out this morning and I am actually using to track ;) I have not been tracking at all this week and I really notice a difference. I am sitting here waiting for the vet to phone and let me know about Beans....I just really hope everything is okay.....

So last night Hubby and I went out for our Valentine's dinner. I did indulge but didn't go overboard. I even pushed my plate away when I was satisfied and had it wrapped up right away. Still after about an hour I started to feel terrible. I had a pasta with a rose sauce and I think it was just too rich for my tummy. I had a terrible tummy ache and it really made me think about what I had been eating the last few days. My choices haven't been perfect but they haven't been terrible either. I was so proud of myself for stopping when I did - my dad was thrilled I stopped when I did too because that meant lots of left overs for him =) I don't like left overs....I know, it would be so much easier if I did. Hubby loves them but he gave them to my dad as a thank you for watching Grace.

Well today I have decided that I am going to do my Turbo Jam workout when hubby gets home. I was going to do it this morning but I am running short on time so I have decided after hubby is home from work will be best. I am hoping the weather perks up and maybe we can get out for a bit!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Not Feeling It

So I had a rough weekend but managed to get myself back on track. We did have a Valentine treat yesterday but I worked it into my points and made sure I got some activity in.

I am having a hard time keeping focused right now - my kitty is sick and we don't know what is wrong with her. They think she might have internal bleeding and I had to take her in to get x-rays yesterday. We got our beautiful cat 5 years ago at the end of this month and she is our furry baby. I just want her to be okay. I have to take her back to the vet today for another x-ray when Grace wakes up from her nap, the specialist didn't like what they saw in/around her right lung......I really hope it's nothing.....

This is making it very hard for me to even want to eat - I had cereal for dinner last night as my stomach was in knots and I didn't know what to do with myself.....

We leave for Vegas 3 months tomorrow - my plan is to stay on track and do my Turbo Jam workout at least 6 days per week unless I can replace it with an equally intense workout. Grace is stirring...I had better run!

Sunday, February 13, 2011


I do not know what is wrong with me....I had a good week and a great loss and then I just went off the rails. I have been eating all weekend! I am not celebrating....I don't know what I am doing. I am back on track from this second.

So yesterday I decided I would try and make a healthier choice at Fat Burger and got the turkey burger. It is 3 points less and not worth it! The actual burger is worth the points but this turkey one was not! It's a good thing I got it for free with the punch card. Sometimes the inlaws will take us and they let us get the stamps =)

So we didn't get Vegas booked either, my parents have offered to let us use some of their points that they don't want so I need to be able to speak to someone at the company to make sure I am doing it right. I am also weighing my options of just paying for the trip because it is such a good deal already and saving the points for another vacation.....I don't know!

Grace has not been herself the last day or two.....I think she may be cutting a tooth? She cried trough her whole bath and made hubby feel bad (he does bath time). I hope she either cuts the tooth or I can figure out what is wrong if it isn't that. Our poor kitty Beans is also sick right now - hubby had to take her to the vet and now we have to call in tomorrow for the results of her blood work....I hope it's nothing.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Pay Off!!!!!

I am so excited to report a 2.2 loss! I finally feel like the hard work of the last 3 weeks has paid off! I have been tracking, weighing/measuring and just trying to make better choices. I have even indulged a couple of times. I am so happy with this loss =D I couldn't stop smiling the whole meeting.

Well I am not sure what today holds for me except that we are going for a hamburger for dinner tonight and I am excited! I love Fat Burger and it will be nice to get out for something dinner. We don't go here often because it is very expensive for "fast food". Tonight we also have a Canucks game, it should be a great game against Calgary and they are going to celebrate the 1 year anniversary of the Olympics here in Vancouver! I know a lot of people thought they were a waste but I loved them and really enjoyed going to a couple of hockey games! We even got to see Canada beat Germany in person! That was the most exciting thing. We had bought tickets to this game not knowing who would be playing (it was after qualifications) and we actually got a Canada game!

Well I am off to enjoy my weekend - I hope you guys do the same!

Friday, February 11, 2011

I did it!

Okay folks here is a huge NSV for me, I made a plan and stuck to it! I went to lunch and ordered a green salad and ate 3 pieces of my pizza. I gave the left overs to a coworker (they are a little less fortunate than I) for her kids dinner tonight. It's kind of a thing we do when the office goes out, if I get pizza her kids get it for dinner that night - they love it! I am so proud of myself for no going over, I could have eaten the whole thing! I was so hungry by the time we were served. I made sure I had a cheese string and some grapes before for a snack but the service was so slow I was starving by the time we got out food. I hate that feeling - I had planned and was going to be fine but when you get that hungry you just want to eat as fast as possible. I tried to slow myself down and really enjoy my food and kind of let it digest properly. I am pleased to say that I am pleasantly full and not stuffed!

So I am not sure what I will get in for activity today as the weather has been kind of off and on and I think hubby is going to be late from work. I have planned a nice light dinner for tonight and hopefully a really good WI tomorrow. I saw a really happy number on the scale this morning =) I loved seeing how everyone else feels about weighing in - I know I shouldn't weigh everyday, sometimes it even gets me into trouble. I will see a good number and feel that I can "afford" to eat a little more than I should because I am doing well.

I talked with my mom today and asked if she can watch Grace for Tuesday night. Hubby has a midterm Monday evening so we don' really have time for Valentine's, I will pick up his favorite cupcake (Red Velvet) for a sweet treat and then I am going to surprise him with dinner at our favorite italian restaurant. The food is amazing so I am going to have to make sure I get my workouts in! We go there for every occasion, it just wouldn't be right if we didn't go.

My sweet baby girl is going to be 10 months old tomorrow and I can't believe how fast this is all going. I am going back to work on April 18 (12 months and 10 days off) and I have such mixed feeling about it. I am excited to be back doing "work" but I don't want to miss anything Grace is going to be really hard.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Drink Up!

I really need to follow that advice! I am struggling getting my water in but it is getting better. I have been trying to push myself to drink a little bit more everyday. I keep trying to push it but I get tired of drinking it - I don't like Crystal Light so that's not an option, I just try and push through it.

I skipped my class again this morning but I am going to walk to the inlaws today. Apparently the beautiful weather we have been having is going away so I am going to get out while I can. With the walk I can at least control how much I push myself and if I have a coughing fit it's only me I am disturbing. My eating has been pretty good today and I am earning some really good activity points. Tomorrow I have a lunch with my office and I have planned to have a green salad and 3 slices pizza. The pizza at this place is amazing and I just wasn't willing not to have it. I know that works for alot of people but I am just not willing to give up anything. It is probably why it takes me so long to lose weight but I just don't do well when I cut things out. I am happy that I have a plan and it is one that I can stick to, it may not be a great plan but it's a plan. I will have to have a light dinner so I don't muck up my WI on saturday morning. I saw a really nice number on the scale this morning and that made my day!

I am a daily weigher....right now it helps me keep on track.

How often do you weigh yourself?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Bit by Bit

I am starting to feel better. I took a walk today and didn't hack uncontrollably, that's a win in my book.

So my steak turned out great last night! The potatoes I made left a little to be desired, I guess that's a good thing so I didn't feel like having too much! Tonight I picked up some chicken pot pie at the save on foods. They make them fresh with their rotisserie chicken. I have never bought them before but they smell amazing! I am going to toss them in the oven to reheat them and make a spinach salad to have with it. I am sure you have noticed that I am slightly obsessed with spinach salad right now. What I do is use baby spinach, carrot, cucumber and snap peas with some goat cheese and a balsamic dressing. Goat cheese is super low in points and so yummy!

After dinner and Grace's bath we are going to park ourselves on the couch and watch the Canucks game and maybe even book our trip to Vegas =)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Happy Tuesday!

So today I have been struggling a little. I have just been hungry and snacky all day long! I have been good I just hate this feeling! So last nights dinner didn't turn out as I had hoped, I tried making chicken in the crock pot and it just dried it out - yuck! Everything else was really good but I won't be making that chicken again! When I was at the store yesterday I picked up some really good steaks and some potatoes for baking =) A bit of a treat for us - it is so expensive to go out for steak and I can make it better at home anyway!

So I am still coughing like crazy - I didn't want to push myself too soon so I just did mall walking today instead of going to my class outdoors, the cold air makes my lungs burn =( I don't know if I will be able to go back on Thursday either, this thing has just kicked my butt!

Monday, February 7, 2011

I Caved!

So I had McDonald's last night. I had a chicken mcnugget meal and it hit the spot. It was good and not great all at the same time - all that matters is that it did the trick and I am right back on track this morning! I have a feeling I am not going to be wanting that anytime again soon - if I want something like that again it will be Fat Burger - so much better!

So I am feeling better again today, not 100 % and I am still coughing like crazy! I am going to get out for a nice short walk up to Safeway to pick up some groceries and then I am going to rest some more. I have put chicken in the crock pot for dinner and will make some potatoes and a spinach salad to go with it. Hubby has school tonight and my mom and dad will be coming over to keep me company for a bit and play with Grace. When hubby has school he gets home from work at 4:15 and then he is off again at 5:30 and not home until between 9 and 10 so it is a LONG and kinda lonely day for me so my parents and inlaws alternate between coming over and helping out with Grace. It gives me time to make her food and do some other stuff around the house.

I guess that it for now.....have a great day!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Superbowl =p

I hate football. I don't understand it and I just don't enjoy watching it. I was happy to hear that since he wasn't feeling 100% he was going to stay home with me and Grace. We went to my parents for brunch and then to the mall to pick up a humidifier - I want to be prepared in case Grace gets the terrible cough we both have.

I am craving McDonald's like CRAZY today. Well the last few days....I am not sure if I should give in and just use some of my weekly points or see if it will go away! I wish it would just go away - a week of craving this is bad enough. I know I am strong enough to just get over it but I am not sure that I really want to. I have to admit that I enjoy the taste of McDonald's, I know there is nothing healthy about it and that it is not even real food but that doesn't seem to matter to me. It has been over a month since we last had it and until now I haven't even thought about it. We are trying not to eat fast food (other than Subway) and decided that if we wanted it occasionally ( no more than once per month) that we would allow it.

Do you have any "bad" food choices that you can't or don't want to kick? 

Saturday, February 5, 2011


I feel positive this morning =) I didn't quite get the WI I wanted but that is okay. I was down .8 - almost a pound! Considering I only managed 2 days of activity this week I think it's pretty good. Now I just need to keep this downward momentum!

I am feeling a bit better this morning - I even have some energy. I got 1 hour of mall walking in today, hubby had homework so Grace and I took off for part of the morning. I was happy to find a new sleep sack for Grace. I have been looking everywhere for a spare. I have one but we realized we needed another because she spit up on the other one about 2 minutes before bedtime one night and I had to put her in one of the old ones that's a bit too small...

Well our weather isn't looking great for the weekend so it might be some more mall walking for me this weekend. I would rather be outside, the fresh air is so nice and always makes me feel better.

Here is to feeling even better tomorrow!

Friday, February 4, 2011


That is how I feel today. My head is still congested but the headache is finally gone! I just want to feel better now....

So I am actually looking forward to my WI tomorrow, I have had a really good week food wise and even got some activity in before I started feeling this crappy! I should be down I think about 1 pound - I wish I could do this faster but with the nursing it's as fast as I can go! My life has been so boring the last few days I don't really have anything else to say...

Have a good Friday everyone!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I think I may be the sickest I have ever been! I feel horrendous! I had a migraine last night which was followed by a headache and sinus congestion this morning. I woke up sweating...from nothing! I luckily had my mom come over and help out with Grace. Every time I look down my nose starts to drip and I can't stop coughing! Needless to say I did not get any activity today but I did keep on track with my eating...I forced myself to try and eat normally and not just eat comforting foods. Well I am just listening to hubby read Grace her bedtime story (fave time of the night, it is so cute) and then we are going down to relax =) I hope tomorrow is a better day!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Feeling Good

So I had a great day yesterday and I was even able to have a snack after putting Grace to bed =) My goal was to not eat any of my weekly points yesterday - I could eat some of my activity points if I wanted them (which I did) and I felt really good. I made some great choices but I have realized that my first really good day on plan always leaves me with a headache...I don't know why but it seems to keep happening. Maybe if I stop going off plan then I will stop getting these headaches....funny thing ;)

So I made a wonderful find - a cheese string that is only 1 Points+!!!!! They are Mooza by Kraft, they are mozzarella and they are SO yummy! I wanted something different to have than just fruit for a snack so I picked these up not even looking at the points value....I know I shouldn't do that but I figured it would be about 2 points+ and I could deal with that. I love the saltyness of mozzarella and it was the perfect match for my yummy and crunchy green grapes! Makes me want it again just typing about it!

I think my hubby has shared his cold with me and I am feeling heavy in the chest. I am going to walk up to the store today (it's about 1 hour including shopping) to pick up some banana's (I like them on the green side so I only buy about 2 or 3 at a time) and try and keep it light. I don't want this cold to get worse but I don't want to sit around either. Well I am off for my snack so have a great day!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Thank You!

I just wanted to say THANK YOU to my wonderful followers and anyone else there that is reading and commenting. I really appreciate the support and encouragement! I get so much more from this blog than I ever expected!

Last night I went out and did a really good grocery shop. I am trying to get back to the foods that I enjoyed prepregnancy and breast feeding. The little one does not seem to be bothered by the same foods as she was in the beginning so I am slowly trying to reintroduce them into my diet. I LOVE spinach salad with a little goat cheese and balsamic dressing (other veggies in there too) so I have brought that back. Today is the start of Syl's February challenge to do 40 minutes of activity everyday. I really need something like this to help keep me on track. I am also going to borrow an idea from Alissa and start making things off on my calendar. I have a really nifty family calendar to keep track of everything we have to do so I am going to start using it for activity as well.

On a non weight loss note I am going to stop shopping this month....I have been buying Grace alot of stuff and I need to cut it out - I am going to bankrupt us at this rate ;) I guess this will help with the weight loss because I will need something else to do during the day. It has been so cold the last few days - it makes it hard to want to go out!