Saturday, December 11, 2010


This is my 100th post! Thank you very much to all my readers and followers because you truly keep me going. I have found blogging is such a wonderful outlet for me! I can say what I want, when I want and it feels so good.

So I had my first WI this morning with the new WW program. I was down .8! I have only been following the program since Tuesday and as a nursing mom the program is designed for a 1 pound per week weight loss. This is to ensure that I don't compromise my milk supply.

I had a good eating day yesterday and kept on track for the most part. I did treat myself to some popcorn with real melted butter =) Last night I was feeling very frustrated with hubby...he's getting a little lazy! I had put Grace to bed and then gone to get the stuff for my popcorn ready, when I got downstairs he looks at me and says "She's making noises". Well last time I checked he could get off his ass and go and rock her some more and get her back to sleep! But noooooo he lays on the couch and just tells me about it. Well let me tell you, the basement was ice cold last night. We have friends where the hubby is like this and mine always said he never would be. I think I am going to have to have a little chat with him about this. I am not the only one who can do things around here!

Rant over and on to better things. It is Saturday and I am tracking. I have not done this in a very long time. I know I am going to have pizza for dinner tonight and that is okay, I have the points for it. We are off to friends tonight to watch the UFC - I love GSP! He is so hot! I am not sure on what activity I will get in today as we are getting our hair cut this afternoon (good bye hair!), have some errands to run and then we are out. I think I will get hubby to walk to costco to order our Christmas cards with Grace and Santa. That will get me at least half an hour. Have a great Saturday everyone!


  1. Congrats on the .8!

    It must be frustrating that your hubby doesn't take the initiative to help out! Chatting with him about it sounds like an excellent idea. Good luck!

  2. Just doing some blog hopping...congrats on your loss and good luck with WW, I think im joining soon...going to go try out a free meeting this week
