Saturday, August 24, 2013

I Did It....

I went back to WW this morning to start my 3 free postnatal months as a lifetime member. I was really hoping the policy hadn't changed! Well it was scary but I am happy I did it - not so happy to see my weight but I got on the scale. The number I saw was 202.8....yuck. Highest weight at WW for me. I have 52.8 pounds to lose to get back to my WW goal weight and really where I would like to be. I could and have been smaller but 150 is really my ideal weight. I can't focus on such a large number at this point - I just need to work this off pound by pound. I will track and get my activity while making better choices.

I had an amazing vacation with my family but I am always happy to be home and back in my own space. I love going away but always look forward to my own space. We were away with my inlaws which is nice because my daughter adores them and they are always willing to get up with her =) The downfall is always having someone else around and no real time for yourself.

I bought some good groceries last night but I am worried about keeping the chocolate bar out of my cart. I know I can still have one but the problem is I have been having too many....and they have been big ones. I found/find myself wanting to just eat crap....I thought this would improve as Matt started sleeping more but it doesn't seem to be helping. I am hoping with more exercise and better choices this will calm down.

Well tomorrow is my birthday so I wont be tracking but I will on Monday and I will let you know how it goes!


  1. Good job for weighing in! And thats so awesome that you get to go for free!!! You can do it. I will be back at it soon (due w boy 4 in 9 weeks!) can't wait to see the scale go down again!
